Every Day Ride

Every. Day. Ride #23 with AJ

Every. Day. Ride #23 with AJ

Tell us a little about yourself?

Hey, I’m Aj aka the Honest Biker. Let’s start at the beginning.

I’m the only biker in my family, so “What made you get into biking?” I hear you ask, let me explain… I was in a toxic job/relationship, wasn't getting along with family, so I thought to myself, "Where is the furthest place on this planet I can go, set up base and see the world? Australia!"

I said to the universe, "If you make this happen, I'll quit everything and go". VISA approved in 10mins!

That was it, I typed up my resignation, called a meeting with my manager and handed it over. As I left the room, they said sarcastically, "See you Monday", to which my reply was. "Not f**king likely!"

I went home, sold my car, my belongings and booked the cheapest one way ticket I could find. First stop, Australia! I worked for a while, saved some money and then after a year or so, it was on to other places, first, Bali, where my love of bikes began! I met a friend who was already riding a cheap old retro Honda, so I asked if I could tag along. I rented a cheap little scooter and zoomed around Ubud and surrounding villages, taking in all the sights, sounds and smells and that was that was it, I was hooked. I continued my way across to many places, including, Thailand, Laos, The Perhentian Islands, The Gili Islands, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and my heart country, Vietnam. 🇻🇳

Eventually the time came for me to return to the UK, as my passport was about to expire. …So, going full circle, I’m back in the UK with this new love for bikes and the open road, meaning only one thing, time to get my license! Two MOD1s and a MOD2 later, ( I set myself up wrong on the first MOD1!), I had my full license!! I then went on to do my advanced training and beyond!

If you had told me, two years on from then, that I would go from being this gangly, no clue random, who literally left dents in tanks from gripping so hard with my thighs, to hosting and organising my own booked out BikeSafe Days with the Metropolitan Police, reviewing bikes for big name brands etc, I would’ve thought you were nuts!!!!

During that time, I was also finally diagnosed with a from birth chronic condition called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), along with chronic fatigue and multiple joint instability, which my entire life I was told was all in my head! With this new diagnosis, I learned how to adapt my riding style etc to allow for me to continue doing what I love!

Biking has literally changed my life. I've finally found my people and I couldn’t be happier. See you on the road!

How and when did you get into riding?

Right back to the above, I fell in love with biking in my heart country - Vietnam and decided it might be a good idea to come back to the UK and get my full legal license…never looked back!!


What are the best and worst things about riding?

The Best? - The freedom, the friendships, the opportunities it gives you without even realising

The Worst? Emptying your bank balance maybe?!?!

Tell us about your most memorable ride to date?

A ride that really sticks with me is the NHS ride of thanks I took part in during COVID lockdown. It was just  after restrictions had been lifted so we wanted to do something to commemorate everyone on the front line - so we arranged this massive ride out, which was actually covered by the BBC!

What's the best piece of riding advice you've ever been given?

Ride your own ride and dress for the slide, not the ride.

How do you keep your bikes secure at home and on the go? 

I tend to keep mine in the garage where I can, where that’s not possible, I use the LITELOK X1 and a bike cover for extra security. I also have a tracker and alarm!

Share your best tips to help others keep their bikes safe.

There will always be someone better than you in everything you do, so stop comparing yourself to others and just enjoy riding for what it is! If someone, or a group of people are telling you to keep up or leave, or, talk about “Chicken Strips”…they’re not your people and are likely the ones to end up in A+E with half their skin missing…

When someone asks what kit you recommend, you say?
Roadskin Bronte Leggings

Knox MK2 armoured jacket

Base layers!! Even in summer, get yourself some cheap silky layers to help get your gear on and off and most importantly, keep it clean!!
A helmet that fits you correctly and has a good rating on the SHARP website. Expensive doesn’t always mean good!!

What's on your riding bucket list?

JAPAN!!!! - Come on Honda, I know you’ve got some bikes laying about…let’s make this happen!
Failing that, anywhere with scenic views - A N Y W H E R E *cough cough bike brands, contact me, cough cough* Also a track day?! I’ve not had one yet so would LOVE to get out and have a taste of super speed in a safe controlled environment!


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LITELOK X1 Officially The World's Best Bike Lock
Every. Day. Ride #24 with Ash

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