Every Day Ride

Every. Day. Ride #21 with Mike Morgan

Every. Day. Ride #21 with Mike Morgan

Tell us a little about yourself?

 Hey I’ Mike. Currently the social media manager & content creator at M&P Direct.

 How and when did you get into riding?

Got into riding when I was a young sprog, hanging around with school friends who rode MX and then friends of friends and family who owned them. Really got the bug when I rode my first C90 which belonged to me friend’s dad and then things just got more out of hand when I joined the industry 17 years ago.

 What are the best and worst things about riding?

Best things, the escape, adventure, freedom & therapeutic effect.

Worst things, not doing enough riding!

Tell us about your most memorable ride to date?

Easy, track time at Portimão in Portugal with Kawasaki UK. Mind-blowing!

What's the best piece of riding advice you've ever been given?

Practice, practice, practice and don’t listen to everyone’s advice. Everyone is different so find what works for you. I spent days watching Mordeth 13’s videos (OG Youtuber) and sitting in on a chair, eyes closed imagining using the clutch and gear lever etc.

How do you keep your bikes secure at home and on the go? Share your best tips to help others keep their bikes safe.

Keep them out of sight by any means necessary. Covers, garages, DIY huts, anything. Then also add big FO chains and a Litelok or two 😉

When someone asks what kit you recommend, you say?

The best helmet your budget caters for. I’m currently using an Arai after many many years of many many brands and its by far the best. Second to that, AA or AAA rated gear that you are comfortable in. Comfort is key as much as safety. If you are not comfortable, you can’t concentrate, Especially when you are learning.

What's on your riding bucket list?

Trackdays and a Euro trip. I really want to get into track riding and do at least one euro trip. No idea where or when, but they are on the list!

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